Saturday, April 16, 2005

Can't we all just get along?

There's a great celebration going on over at the NRA (HT: PoliPundit). I salute these fine Americans, and I wish I could have been there with them.

However, it bothers me that NRA folk are often less than welcoming to their drug-taking brethren. Have you ever been to a gun show on LSD? It's awesome. But the natives give you dirty looks if you act too weird. And they don't appreciate tie-dye T-shirts much.

Can't we all just get along?


Anonymous said...

You are one wack shizzack, Jack.

Can you get me some crack?

Anonymous said...

I think we'd get along just a tad better if you weren't spamming everybody who linked to the Carnival of Cordite...

Ellis D. Tecnine said...

One man's spam is another man's ten-inch love sausage!